Wednesday, July 23, 2008

My Interview with Steve (from Ghost Hunters) on Hauntings Radio

Check it out:

Thanks again to Rod for the interview. It was fun!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Heading to TAPScon

Well, we're heading out to TAPScon this evening. Anyone else who is going, look for me and our crew, Florida Ghost Team in black uniforms (with the FGT logo).

And don't forget to stop by for an autograph from Robb Demarest, lead investigation on Ghost Hunters International (also my friend and lead on FGT).

Have fun and I'll recap on this blog when we get back.

For info on the convention go to:

Thursday, June 12, 2008

What the Puck?

Patrick Burns (star of Haunting Evidence) showed us a new device at Ghost Gathering that a friend of his is working on. It's called The Puck. From his site:
Serious Investigators will appreciate the features of the Paranormal Puck Tie your investigation together in one place with all the data time stamped logged and ready for review. Also experiment with real time evp using the ECM communications modes. Watch the energy in the environment as it changes real time! The Puck turns your pc into a paranormal power house.
Basically, it takes a number of measurements all at the same time including EMF and temperature. It logs the raw data, codes it, then formulates a response from a set list of dictionary words. So, essentially, it will 'talk' back to you with words chosen from the dictionary based on the environment.

The theory is that an entity MAY be able to respond in actual words through this device by altering the environment. Of course we were very curious and gave it a shot. The responses seemed, of course, very random. But it would be interesting to see if any ironic words or phrases come up as a response to questions. I'm just curious enough to give it a shot.

Check it out at:

He's also has a device called The Ovilus. This device has the same basic properties as The Puck but with vocal responses. Again, based on the environment it chooses a word from a dictionary and vocalizes it through a set of speakers. This one doesn't have the data logging capability as of yet, but I understand that's on the way.

Check it out at:

If nothing else, this will be a fun device to use.

Planet 82

A company called Planet 82 is working on highly light-sensitive image/bio sensor using nanotechnology. What does this mean to you and me? Well basically this technology when used on cameras could reduce or eliminate the need for flashes or IR light when filming in low light. It basically enhances the light that currently exists in a room even in pitch dark.

Specifically, for the paranormal field this also means less potential for false shadows and reflections too. Looking forward to working with this...

Check it out at:

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Ghost Gathering

So, I know it's been a while since I posted here... so much has been going on. But I promise to keep this thing going.

On that note, I just got back from Ghost Gathering in St. Petersburg. It was a great event that saw paranormal groups from Florida meeting, mingling and working together. That's right, I did say 'working together'. It was awesome getting to meet other groups and collaborating on the techie stuff that I so dearly cling to. Yeah, it was a geek-fest. I look forward to working more closely with everyone there.

One of the speakers included Patrick Burns (from Haunting Evidence). I hadn't had a chance to see this show previous to this meeting, but I'm definitely going to DVR it. Much like myself, he leans heavily toward scientifically proving evidence. So, check it out.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ghost Hunting 101: Equipment & Processes

I'm working on a Ghost Hunting 101 document to detail equipment used for paranormal investigations, how to use them and processes for conducting investigations. This will be a live ongoing project so please shoot me your ideas and comments. I will be adding much, much more soon and in the future.

It will soon have a section detailing processes for investigations written by Shaun Jones, Founder of Florida Ghost Team, and a TAPS Family member.

Check it out:
---- Ghost Hunting 101

Monday, February 18, 2008

Tampa UFO: Just a Plane People

So, through some research we found out that the UFO in Tampa noted in my 2/15/08 post was, in fact, an airplane performing at a local event. The plane itself was fixed with pyrotechnics used to light up the sky for spectators.

... At least that's what the government WANTS us to think. LOL

News Report: